• van: Paivi Tiittula
  • ontvanger: Särkänniemi amusement park and Tampere Town Council, Finland

Särkänniemi amusement park & dolphinarium in the town of Tampere, Finland announced recently that, after 30 years, it is closing down its dolphinarium. This presently houses 4 adult bottlenose dolphins. Since 1985 there have been 17 baby dolphins born, but only two have survived. The three oldest dolphins were brought to Tampere from the Bay of Mexico. Särkänniemi dolphinarium is run by Särkänniemi Limited, which is owned by the town of Tampere.

Animal protection groups have mixed feelings about this decision as there has been talk of moving the dolphins to another dolphinarium somewhere in Europe in the spring of 2016. Consequently they would go from one unhealthy and restrictive environment to another.

Please sign this petition requesting that Särkänniemi and Tampere Town Council cooperate with other organizations in order that a European sea-pen sanctuary can be established and these dolphins can spend the remainder of their lives in a more natural and healthy environment.

Hyvät Tampereen kaupunginvaltuutetut

Särkänniemen delfiinien tulevaisuus on käsissänne, ja toivon, että paneudutte asiaan huolellisesti ja ajan kanssa. Hätiköinti ei ole hyväksi ratkaistaessa, mitä delfiineille tapahtuu 30 vuoden vankeuden vielä jatkuessa. Vastuu on kannettava myös sen jälkeen kun eurot lakkaavat kilahtamasta kassaan.

Ystävällisin terveisin

Päivi Tiittula

Update #19 jaar geleden
Dear supporters

This petition is now being closed as the signatures will shortly be presented to Tampere Town Council. Thank you for your support which has come from all corners of the world.

There is another petition online concerning this situation. If you would like to sign it, it can be found here:
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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