Stop Boiling Birds Alive!

A new USDA proposal would allow poultry plants to speed up their processing lines to increase efficiency at the cost of humane treatment. Presently, about 1 million chickens and turkeys are boiled alive at these plants because the high speed of production lines prevents employees from properly securing some birds. These birds evade the automated blade, only to be boiled alive further down the line. Increased speed would increase the frequency of these horrifying incidents, yet the USDA seeks to increase line speed from 140 birds per minute to 175 in chicken plants and 55 birds per minute from 45 in turkey plants.

Poultry plants should not be allowed to increase their processing speed when so many birds are already dying horrible deaths. If anything, plants should be required to slow down to reduce errors. Please sign the petition to convince the USDA to halt this proposal.

We, the undersigned, are concerned about a new USDA proposal that would allow poultry plants to speed up their processing lines to increase efficiency at the cost of humane treatment. Presently, about 1 million chickens and turkeys are boiled alive at these plants because the high speed of production lines prevents employees from properly securing some birds. These birds evade the automated blade, only to be boiled alive further down the line. Increased speed would increase the frequency of these horrifying incidents, yet we understand that the USDA seeks to increase line speed from 140 birds per minute to 175 in chicken plants and 55 birds per minute from 45 in turkey plants.

Poultry plants should not be allowed to increase their processing speed when so many birds are already dying horrible deaths. If anything, plants should be required to slow down to reduce errors. We respectfully urge you to abandon your plans to increase processing speed in poultry plants. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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