Stop the wildfire spread of illness in our schools

Week after week there are new viruses going around that are not being properly addressed. Some that are leading to very serious illnesses. Kids are continuing to get sick month after month. Kid after kid. Bringing it home to other children and family members. Classrooms are not being cleaned efficiently and parents are sending kids to school when they are ill. The schools want/need the attendance to get paid, yet hound us when kids are out sick and if they miss too much they are reprimanded. Classes should be cleaned everyday with bacteria killing solutions. And deep cleaned more often when there is an outbreak of an illness throughout the school. Notes being sent home to notify parents do not help, other then making us not want to send our kids back into the infectious place to begin with. But properly cleaning the classrooms and effective hand washing and sanitizing will. Along with parents keeping there kids home when they are contagious.
We have to start somewhere.
Examples of proper measures to take:
• Hand washing or sanitizing before snack and lunches. And before coming back in from recess/lunch.
•Wipes with bacteria killing substances provided to teacher to wipe down tables and chairs. Or daily cleaning of classrooms.
• Deep cleanings of rooms once a week or when there is a virus going around.
• Use of bleach to kill bacteria when needed.
• Parents keeping there contagious children at home.

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