Help fight animal cruelty in the Bahamas

  • van: sally gamble
  • ontvanger: Mr Ellison Greenslade,Commissioner of the Royal Bahamas police

We the undersigned are sickened by the animal cruelty in the Bahamas and are simply asking the Royal Bahamas police force to enforce the existing laws regarding animal cruelty and to stop ignoring these crimes.

The Bahamas currently have animal cruelty laws. The penal code clearly states animal cruelty is unlawful, yet it increasingly continues while animals suffer in clear sight of law enforcement.

The surrey horses on Bay Street are often over worked and over loaded in the scorching heat with little or no rest period,(as required by law) in plain view of police officers.

Dogs are tied on short chains or rope without proper shade, shelter, food, water and when reported nothing is done.

Animal abuse is rampant in this country where we see animals mistreated and living in indescribable misery with no justice or relief.

Animal welfare groups and dedicated individual’s work hard to relieve animal suffering in the Bahamas with little or no help from the police.

Please sign this petition asking The Royal Bahamas police force to step up and make a difference in the lives of animals suffering in the Bahamas.



Since the start of this petition we have gotten ahold of some video of a pet shop here in Nassau.We want this place and places like these to be shut down, they are hell holes! Please help by signing this and spreading the word about the animal cruetly and abuse in the Bahamas..Something has to be done and now, the suffering has gone on long enough.

Update #110 jaar geleden
This petition was emailed to the proper authorities and so far I have received no response or acknowledgement that it was received. I will follow up with phone calls this week.
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