End the Cruel Horse Chariot ride in Front of Taj Mahal, Agra

  • van: sai sandeep
  • ontvanger: Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh

High court of India orders complete ban on Mumbai "Victoria Horse ride". Now its time for agra. In Agra in Front of World Heritage Site Taj Mahal there is a cruel, barbaric horse chariot ride around Taj Mahal...Where actually the condition of those horses are miserable as they are not feed for several days and are cruelly beaten, wounded in the name of royal experience ride. Hence I request all to Sign in this petition to save the horse abuse. I also request you to relocate the horses to farm and also help the poor to live on these for dairy daily wages to keep a shop.

Dear Chife Minister

High court of Maharastra has banned "Victoria Horse Rides" in Mumbai. Now its time to do same in Agra.Taj Mahal is a great epic place to visit with a great importance and beauty. But it is very sadenning to see the Horse chariot ride in and around this lovely place. As the horses used are not even fed properly and are beaten badly leading to bleeding and inspite of such a brutal abuse they have to carry public. Its not fun or great ride its simply blood ride. Hence we request you sir to lookinto this matter and stop horse abuse in World Heritage Site Agra.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Thank You all for your Support. Just Need 200 more Signatures. Recently Mumbai high court banned horse cartridges. Its time for the same to happen in Agra "The World Heritage Sight".
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