Free Thor and Martha

Martha and Thor are loving pit bulls that escaped their home in Burlington iowa. The dogs supposedly walked well over 16 blocks in a very short period of time. Then walked back the same 16 blocks to the area they live.
Please read and please share!!!
These are my dog's Thor and Martha. They got out of our fenced in back yard Sat October 6th. We new immediately and we t on the chase for them in our cars. We picked them up shortly after at a gas station down the road.
A police officer was present at the gas station when we picked them up and he just waved, smiled and drove off. The next day Sunday October 7th a different police officer showed up at my house (almost 24 hours later) and told me he was siting me with dog at large tickets and taking my dogs to the Des Moines Co. Humane Society where the would be placed on quarantine because they allegedly bit a 4 lb. Maltese. I very very stupidly took the dogs out there myself not knowing any better. I had no paperwork whatsoever with them being charged viscious. Today I still don't have that paperwork yet, my dogs are still there in quarantine. I am not even allowed to see them. I spoke to the Director of the Humane Society Kandi Sue Glick. She yelled, screamed and talked to me in the most unprofessional manner. Told me lies and rumors about my dogs. Made me feel horrible until I was in tears.
Pitbull prejudice is real! These dogs did not do what they are accused of! Free my pitbulls!
These aren't just dogs. They are my kids! My family and I are an emotional wreck without them!
Can you only imagine how THEY FEEL?

Update #16 jaar geleden
I want to take a heart felt momment and update that Thor and Martha are now home with their family. I want to take a moment to also THANK each and every person that signed this petition, and help send care and loving words of encouragement to the Bowman family. You all were truly an amazing support group for Thor and Martha and their family. Congratulations to markie and jo on being reunited with your kids ❤💙💚💛💜
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