Petition to Repeal Nuisance Ordnance

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to replace the above Nuisance Ordinance. This type of Ordinance has found to be Illegal in several states and violates the second amendment in regards to Firearms. The County Sheriff is warning people and issuing citation for violation of this Ordinance under his own views.

Update #45 jaar geleden
Do tto recent isuues I plan on taking the petition to the Board Of Supervisors in Febuary.

Some of them are uo for election and my attrony said this is the time to do it

Update #36 jaar geleden
Now that we have been heard in Superior court we can get ready to present this petition to the County Commissioners.

We are still waiting the Judes decision on my case.

We still need the current nuisance ordianace changed so we can shhot in the county and especially if I get the permits back

Update #27 jaar geleden
Please, we need your help we need more signatures on these petitions. Paragraph I've talked to a lot of people and they're all upset about the sheriff coming in telling them they're going to get a ticket for shooting on their own property please sign this petition to present to the county commissioners
Update #17 jaar geleden
Please, we need your help we need more signatures on these petitions. Paragraph I've talked to a lot of people and they're all upset about the sheriff coming in telling them they're going to get a ticket for shooting on their own property please sign this petition to present to the county commissioners
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