Get Google to officially sign software that will fix broken phones!

Many users have reported Huawei's nexus 6P and Lg's nexus 5X randomly bootlooping. For those who don't know, a bootloop is when a phone will display the logo of the manufacturer of the device (in this case Google), then restart, display the logo again, then restart. It keeps doing this in a loop, hence the name, "bootloop". If a phone gets this bootloop, the user will not be able to use their phone whatsoever.

Fortunately, a fix has been found here: This fix involves putting a modified image (an image is a software file) on the device. Unfortunately, this fix doesn't work for everyone. To put modified software on the device, the bootloader must be unlocked. Bootloader unlocking is a simple process, but you have to go into your phone's settings to unlock the bootloader, so the bootloader can't be unlocked when your device is bootlooping.

Fortunately, there is a solution! Locked bootloaders will still allow official software, signed by Google, to be put on the device. We need to raise awareness for this problem and the solution, so Google can make the official software, release it, so that the many people who have this problem can finally fix their phone.

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