The living conditions of animals in Petco stores is deplorable - from Bend, Oregon and across the USA, to Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Exotic bird species in solitary confinement in white metal cages under fluorescent lights all day and all night - sold for hundreds of dollars. Fish in tiny plastic tubs, others crammed into a single tank; chameleons subjected to constant prodding and stimulation by curious customers; reptiles, rodents and mammals kept in tiny cages devoid of companionship, privacy (a safe place to hide), warmth, fresh air, natural light or sunshine for months and sometimes years.
Management and the CEO himself, Ron Coughlin refuses to answer letters or phone calls from concerned customers. Red tape, bureaucracy and profit motive drive the process --customers ("consumers"), let alone animals ("products") have a voice. If all we are is consumers, then lets hit them where it hurts - BOYCOTT PETCO and SIGN/SHARE THIS PETITION to let them know why.