Tell Alberta not to exempt 98% of pollution from carbon fees‏

In 2009, Prime Minister Stephen Harper pledged to reduce CO2 emissions in Canada by 17% in the year 2020.  However, current climate policies in Alberta indicate that CO2 emissions in this province would have increased by 25%, threatening Canada's chance at successfully reducing pollution.

The reason for this is Alberta's current climate policies.  Only 2% of the climate polluters in Alberta paid the carbon tax in 2012, compared with 70% of the climate polluters in British Columbia in the same year. Not only does the current climate tax exception policy contribute to an increase in CO2 emissions, but it will also majorly contribute to Canada's inability to meet its goals to reduce CO2 emissions by 2020.

Tell the government of Alberta to examine the climate tax exemption policy, so that the carbon tax is able to do its job of reducing pollution. 

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