Stop BP

    BP Canada has been given the green light to start drilling off Nova Scotia's coast.The Canada-Nova ScotiaOffshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) granted approval for the company to begin drilling one deepwater exploration well about 300 kilometres offshore.

    BP has settled criminal misconduct claims in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster in a deal with the US Department of Justice. Here is a short history of BP's recent accidents and spills in the US.
    March 23, 2005: Explosion at BP's Texas City, Texas, refinery kills 15 workers and injures 180 in one of the worst industrial accidents in US history. The explosion occurred when hydrocarbon liquid and vapor were released from a "blowdown stack" and ignited. BP admitted that safety procedures were ignored. BP paid over $2bn (£1.26bn) to settle legal claims from the explosion, as well as $71.6m for worker safety violations and $100m in pollution fines.
    2006: Two leaks at BP's giant Prudhoe Bay oilfield in Alaska in March and August of 2006 created the largest oil spill ever in Prudhoe Bay, the biggest US oil field. The first leak spilled more than 200,000 gallons (760,000 litres) of crude oil over the tundra, and a second smaller leak forced BP to shut down production on the eastern side of the oil field. According to the US government, BP failed to heed warning signs of imminent internal corrosion. BP in 2007 agreed to pay a $12m criminal fine, $4m in community service payments and $4m in criminal restitution to Alaska.
    November 29, 2009: Pipeline leaks oily material onto the tundra at BP's 30,000 barrel per day Lisburne field in Alaska adjacent to the Prudhoe Bay field. A crack in a flow line that serves Lisburne spilled around 46,000 gallons of a mixture of oil and water on to the snowy tundra.
    April 20, 2010: Explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig kills 11 rig workers and unleashes the worst offshore oil spill in US history, with 4.9m barrels of oil released into the Gulf of Mexico. BP has agreed to pay an estimated $7.8bn to settle claims from individuals and businesses from the spill, but still faces possible civil and criminal penalties from the disaster. A federal trial in New Orleans is scheduled to convene on February 25, 2013.
    July 16, 2011: Pipeline leaks oily material onto the tundra at BP's Lisburne field. BP said a pipeline ruptured during testing and spilled a mixture of methanol and oily water onto the tundra. Alaska regulators said the spill amounted to 2,100 to 4,200 gallons, affecting 4,960 square feet (460 square metres) of gravel pad and about 2,040 square feet of wet and aquatic tundra.
    June 25, 2012: Explosion during maintenance on a pipeline at BP's Pinon natural gas compressor station near Bayfield in western Colorado kills one worker and injures two others.
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