Help the Elephants of Jaipur

  • van: Val Gaffney
  • ontvanger: Chief Minister of Rajasthan Honorable Chief Minister Smt Vasundhara Raje

Although the conditions for the éléphants at The Amber Fort in Jaipur have greatly improved over the past years and animal rights groups won a battle to stop the éléphants being paraded up and down at the local festival in scorching heat, these éléphants often get no adequate water or food. They have to stand waiting for their next ride on scorching tarmac and are often chained up! These are majestic animals and should be treated as such. Please sign this petition to show the Rajasthan Government that more needs to be done for the welfare of these animals and if it isn't, then everyone visiting The Amber Fort should think very hard about taking an elephant ride and if possible, insist that the mahout gives the elephant a drink before you hand over your money. Better still, until their welfare improves, boycott the elephant rides and get your driver to drop you off!

Honorable Smt Raje,  I humbly request that you take note of the 2000 signatures to this petition in respect of the welfare and wellbeing of the elephants of Jaipur.  These elephants are being made to stand on hot concrete with no adequate shade or water just to give tourists a ride up a hill!  I know that you have made great strides to improve their welfare but more must be done.  Adequate food and water is a necessity and the mahouts need educating that a healthy, happy, fed and watered elephant will work better than a dehydrated, malnourished one!

I do so hope that you will find the time to respond to this petition with encouraging news which I may pass on.


Val Gaffney

Author of Petition

Update #39 jaar geleden
I have just found out that the Government of Rajastan is actually turning a blind eye to this abuse and also allowing mahouts to keep using unlicenced éléphants, which means that Under the Animal Welfare Act of 1972, the éléphants should be confiscated and the Mahout prosecuted but the Government are not enforcing this in the name of "tourism" I have strated another petition "BOYCOTT ELEPHANT RIDES AT AMBER FORT" PLEASE SIGN AND SPREAD THE WORD
Update #29 jaar geleden
Just to keep you up to date, I have now sent the petition to the Chief Minister of Rajasthan and await their comments/outcome

I will keep you informed but thank you to everyone who signed.


Update #19 jaar geleden
Before I send this off I would like to at least reach 2000 signatures if possible, so if you can help me do that, it would be appreciated. Don't take my word for this, look at The Wildlife SOS site where you will see their report on the conditions and abuse the éléphants of Jaipur get just to give people a ride up a hill!
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