End Tethering of Dogs in PA

Chaining a dog is inhumane. They exist without respect, love, exercise, social interaction, and sometimes even basic nourishment. They live as prisoners, yet long to be pets.

Chained dogs un-socialized with humans become very territorial of their tiny space, and any child who wanders into this space can be attacked and killed before adults can intervene. From October 2003 through February 2015, 398 children were killed or seriously injured by chained dogs across the country.

Would you for one second choose to live the life of these dogs?

No matter the reason, it is NOT okay to chain a dog for life. We as dog lovers have the obligation to provide a better life for them. If you see a dog that is chained or penned on a daily basis, it is time to take action. Call an appropriate humane advocate near you.

It is paramount to show your support of Senate Bill No. 373 by signing this petition to help create a PawPrint of pet environment awareness... one paw at a time, neighbor by neighbor, town by town, county by county... beginning now.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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