Save New Zealands oceans. Help stop bottom trawling

  • van: Chantelle May
  • ontvanger: Hon Nathan Guy - New Zealand's Minister for Primary Industries
Bottom Trawling is one of the most destructive methods of fishing. A large, weighted down net is dragged along the ocean floor scooping up everything in the net's path: all fish, marine animals and coral reefs. All unwanted fish and marine animals are thrown back to sea, usually dead.

As well as destroying our reefs and the underwater habitat, bottom trawling wipes out our fish stocks as it kills undersized and reproductive fish of all species. Up to half of the unwanted fish thrown back into the sea have been caught through bottom trawling.

New Zealand is one of the few countries that has not banned bottom trawling. Instead it has placed minor restrictions on areas where bottom trawling is not allowed. If this type of destruction is allowed to continue one day in the future there will not be enough fish to meet our needs. Both commercial and recreational fishermen will be affected.

Take action now! Save our marine life, reefs and fish stocks. Sign the petition asking the New Zealand government to ban bottom trawling everywhere in New Zealand.
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