I came to help renovate my deceased grandmother's house in FEB 2017 with 3 cats. Now there are 8, later there is 1 more, than another and most recently in JUL, a kitten found abandoned in the alley/back yard area. I have learned so much reading the several FACEBOOK private group boards with useful and informative details on rescue/transport/vetting/boarding/fostering/rehoming but most importantly, who is paying for it all. 100s of colonies of cats in S. FL area alone are flewn out of state where there are less Dumpers abandoning their pets. Shelters here are mostly kill even though they claim they are not. Directors have been fired/stepped down and we are weary of their replacements as bribes/bonuses/incentives trickle down in order to quickly reduce populations which are rooted by the ignorant who do not have RESOURCES such as a new emergency info number as "PET911". I am in the process of creating a TaskForce of experts within the feline non profit sector who has years of experience, too busy to protest and ignite change in Legislation on a local, state and national level- they are working 24/7 in the field trapping and vetting cats in distress, pregnant hungry females about to give birth int he spring rains, humidty and heat of S. FL tropical weather, cats with gashes, holes, mange that are in pain walking about in search of food and water, young cats who are injured from abuse, with a burned/skinned tail and yet NO police reports are made. There is a lack of WARNING signage to Dumpers. There is a lack of communication btwn major retailers/parking lots and police to upld video footage of Dumpers in their property/parking lots and back alleyways. There is a dire need for an APP to organize this WHOLE citing Colonies/locations and Feeders contact details, cat head shots/# of cats in that colony, who needs TNRing or medical, misc notes and who needs extra vaccinations. This is a 10yr plan to reduce population by 50% to where it's manangable, which also includes Owners to register their pets when renting/buying property and requiring all Owners to microchip and FINED when they have resources but choose not to google for them in days of the world wide web. We cannot wait for government to step up and is why we have numerous grassroots non profits and relig groups to help feed those in need. This petition is just the beginning, a start and will develop into a full website, social media page to document it's development and progress over the next 10yrs. Meanwhile, we need to FEED THE HUNGRY- the felines and vet them. We also need to provide monthly stipends to volunteers: non profits, individual Feeders, Foster parents, Vets who make it all happen, saving lives every day. We are legislating for more funding and expansion of county shelters into city shelters to prevent over capacity as when it's full, euthanasia is implemented, especially in kitten season. We also need to educate "the Neighbor" who poisons your roaming outdoor feline, or who traps your kitty and tries to dump it far away, leaving it w/o shelter, food and water to survive. Funding will be allocated and distributed roughly at first until we have a complete Task Force on this Committee to oversee each area so that the whole engine operates fastidiously, efficiently and highly organized. We have no monetary amount to reach specifically to date. Petco charities, target managers, purina and others do donate foods. We have private donators that give to various S. FL non profit rescue groups. Mostly, it's the individual that uses their own salaries to fund their passion of ensuring that NO FELINE GOES WITHOUT BASIC RIGHTS- to EAT and to have MEDICAL CARE. We can't make Change without YOU! Le't s B THE CHANGE WE WANT 2 SEE..
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen


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