Land Rover SDV6 & TDV6 Crank failure

A large number of crank have snapped in Land Rover Vehicles powerd by the SDV6 and TDV6 engines within the UK, but todate Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) have yet to acknowledge that there is a problem, dispite a large number or notifications and complaints from customers, In China a recall on Land Rover vehicles fitted with these engines and we call for official on the SDV6 and TDV6 engines for the UK (and any other country this effects).

This petition has instigated to raise awareness of this issue and request that the probelm is investigated and a UK recall organised

3000 is my target 

Update #26 jaar geleden
Thats over 1122 people that have signed with is brill, we still need more so spread the word
Update #16 jaar geleden
This is going amazing, also regardless of country if you have a LR with these engines please sign
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