Investigate This Incident and Make Sure This Innocent Dog Is Safe and Unharmed

Imagine this poor dog's terror as he is hurtled through the air, slamming into the pavement.

We are meant to treat dogs with the utmost compassion and care. They show us nothing but love and devotion and deserve the same from us.

Despite the dedication and affection dogs give us unconditionally, this woman is seen violently throwing the puppy towards a man, the poor pup then smashes onto the hard concrete, crying in pain.

Thankfully, the person who got the dog thrown at them then took him in, but it's important to make sure this innocent puppy is safe and suffered no injuries requiring medical attention. In addition, we urge authorities to investigate this incident, find the woman in question and ensure that she receives the treatment and care she seems to need.

No animal should be abused like this. It's our responsibility to care for and ensure the wellbeing of animals in our care. If we cannot fulfill this obligation we should not take it on. We also know that everyone is struggling these days and feel compassion for this woman. The best outcome from this sad incident is that both dog and person are safe and unharmed, and nolonger a threat to others.

Urge Chicago authorities to thoroughly investigate this incident and take necessary action to protect this innocent dog, and care for this individual who seems clearly in need of care.

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