Nevada: It’s Time to End Wildlife Killing Contests

  • van: Naomi Dreyer
  • ontvanger: Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners (NBWC)

These contests, involve rewarding people of all ages with cash and other prizes for killing the biggest and most animals being targeted.
These events might seem like a rarity and not many people would participate in, but over 200 such events have taken place across the nation over the past few years, while several have been held targeting coyotes in Nevada.
The goal is to go out and kill as many coyotes as possible and have a party afterwards.
This week, November 2015, wildlife advocates will be urging the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to stand up for wildlife being targeted by these barbaric events by voting to make them a thing of the past.
If you’re not a Nevada resident, the organizations leading this effort are also asking people to send letters to the commissioners urging them to vote to ban to end these contests forever.

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