Ban Cruel Shock Belts Used on Dogs and Other Animals
Greetings fellow animal lovers,
I am creating this petition in response to witnessing the cruel and unnecessary "training" method used on a puppy belonging to a neighbor. The poor, sweet young dog is equipped daily with a belt that has a remote shock device attached, the metal prongs used to deliver the shock pressed tightly against the skin of her vulnerable abdomen. One wrong move, and the pup's owner shocks her in the gut.
I have a background in animal training and veterinary assistance, and know from both experience and reading other trainers' studies that shocking an animal in the gut is NOT a necessary form of training for any reason. In fact, this type of torture is incredibly abusive and has caused many animals to become unresponsive to their handlers and terrified of both belts and training exercises.
Would YOU like to be shocked in the gut by YOUR teacher, boss, or family??? Would the thought ever even cross your mind this might be an acceptable way to train your children? I think not. It is abuse, plain and simple.
Please help ban this horrible type of animal cruelty by signing my petition. This brutal treatment needs to be stopped as quickly as possible.
Thank you, and have a wonderful day full of love and compassion with your animal friends and companions.
petitie tekenenpetitie tekenen