Ban plastic straws from Dunkin Donuts!

  • van: Cleo B
  • ontvanger:,

More and more responsible companies are banning plastic straws, and we want Dunkin' Donuts to join them. Plastic straws do not biodegrade, and can't be recycled. So they wind up in our oceans, killing marine life. All Dunkin' Donuts would need to do is replace their plastic straws with paper straws (which biodegrade in 30 to 60 days) to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of marine mammals and birds every year. This petition will go to the Dunkin' Donuts headquarters to let them know that we demand paper straws instead of plastic ones at all of our local franchises.

Update #16 jaar geleden
Our grassroot campaign is kicking off with anti-plastic straw activism. We are aiming for Dunkin Donuts to ban all plastic straws by May of 2019. This is a big ask and so your support is well appreciated! Plastic straws are too lightweight so they can't be recycled, they cause a lot of harm to birds and marine life, and produce a large amount of methane gas which then traps heat and promotes global warming. Help us in our campaign by signing the petition and sharing with your friends and family!
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