Increase Spending For the Study of Neonics On Bee Populations

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Public Health Agency of Canada, Krista Outhwaite, currently Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Office

There is a continual concern regarding the deaths of the Canadian honey bees, with most in belief that it is due to pesticides.  Some try to attribute the problem to tiny mites and other stressors because of the bee’s constant diet of neonicotinoid insecticides. It appears these mites also hang onto the honeybees, causing the belief that these mites are the blame for the declining honeybee health.

Read Story at as it depicts that the real cause of the decline in honeybees is the presence of pesticides or Neonics. As stated in the article, Neonics compromise immune systems of all insects, the Dutch toxicologist says, noting that in the case of honeybees, the pesticides impair cognitive abilities and downgrade innate immunity, leaving them more vulnerable to disease.

The honeybee is a crucial part of the environment and it can be a costly endeavor to continue the studies on the effects of the Neonics on the honeybee populations.  In a recent class action suit on behalf of Ontario beekeepers, they claim that “companies knew or ought to have known the insecticide would cause damage" to bee populations.  More research needs to be done on these Neonics in an effort to determine safer methods that will not harm the existence of the bees.  

We are attempting to save the honeybees by asking the Public Health Agency of Canada to increase their spending for the study of Neonics on bee populations.  You can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  We can’t allow the bee to become extinct; it will affect our entire environment. Help us in our efforts.



Public Health Agency of Canada, Krista Outhwaite, currently Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Office – Please ensure that you continue your efforts in preserving the existence of the bee population crucial for a healthy and beautiful environment.  Despite the costly endeavor, we urge you to increase spending for the study of the Neonics on bee populations.

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