demand justice for artist takeshi miyakawa

  • ontvanger: mayor michael bloomberg / the city of new york

on may 19th, 2012, artist and designer takeshi miyakawa was arrested in brooklyn while installing 'I ♥ NY' lamps in a local park, part of a project designed to celebrate NY design week and the tokyo-born artist's love for new york city, where he has lived for the past 23 years.

instead, miyakawa was charged with the class D felony of reckless endangerment, placing of false bombs, and criminal nuisance. he is currently being detained for thirty days to await mental evaluation.

public safety need be protected, but so must our human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. miyakawa's 'I ♥ NY' lamps encourage us to rethink our everyday objects, think sustainably, celebrate the place we live and love.

this is what we call art. instead, the NY justice system calls this terrorism and endangerment, despite miyakawa's clean record and international renown as a designer.

sign to help free takeshi miyakawa.
more information:
takeshi miyakawa's site:
'free takeshi miyakawa' on facebook:

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