Futurama has been revived on Hulu but we want more which is a 20 episode crossover series plus 5 episodes when Nobita is grown up with Doraemon called Futuraemon as the series will involve Nobita, Fry, Bender, Shizuka, Leela, Gian, Suneo, Tamako, Professor Farnsworth, Nobisuke, Zoidberg, Amy, Hermes, and Doraemon and takes place from 3000-3004 and 3005-3008 when Nobita is frozen after getting scolded by his teacher for poor grades and unfrozen in 3000, thanks to Fry and kicked out of Planet Express by Professor Farnsworth and Hermes, 1 month later and 3019-3026 when Nobita is grown up and gets married to Shizuka with Shizuka's new birthday given as October 10 as Shizuka was born sometime between May and December and Suneo's new birthday given as May 28 as Suneo was born between February and July and this will the first time that Futurama is in Japanese as the Japanese Version has the Futurama Japanese voice cast and the 2005 Doraemon anime voice cast and the English Dub Version has the original Futurama voice cast with some recurring Futurama characters recast and the 2014 Doraemon voice cast retains the same voice actors which TV Asahi could strike a deal with 20th Television Animation by acquisition since Fox is owned by The Walt Disney Company and it will succeed Futurama at the last and will be the sequel to Futurama, Stand By Me Doraemon, and Stand By Me Doraemon 2 and have characters in Stand By Me Doraemon and Futurama styles and is a combination of both in one with the Stand By Me Doraemon characters in 2D warped under a Futurama lens and Shizuka's mother having the same face as Shizuka and same hairstyle from the Elixir meets Doraemon commercial and same height as Adult Shizuka and same hairbun and eyebrows from Stand By Me Doraemon and Stand By Me Doraemon 2 and Nobita, Shizuka, and Suneo will also have distant relatives named Nobishi Nobi who is Nobita's distant grandson and Tamami Nobi who is Nobita's distant niece, Sadako Wu (吳貞子 Wú Zhēnzǐ) and Eita Wu (吳瑛汰 Wú Yīngtài) who are Shizuka's distant niece and nephew of Chinese descent from Canton Province, China and Katsuko Chou (周勝子 Zhōu Shèngzǐ) who is also Shizuka's distant niece of Chinese descent from Shandong Province, China, and Suneri Honekawa who is Suneo's distant grandson and Toshihisa Doyle who is Nobishi, Sadako, Tamami, Eita, Katsuko, and Suneri's friend of Irish-American descent and Natsumi Wong (王夏美 Wáng Xiàměi) who is Nobishi, Sadako, Tamami, Eita, Katsuko, and Suneri's friend of Chinese descent from Canton Province, China and Jeffrey Doyle who is Toshihisa's half-brother originally from Ireland and his wife Aika Nakano and their daughter Miho Doyle and Dr. Kent Doyle who is also Toshihisa's half-brother originally from Ireland and Nobita traps Shizuka inside the imprinting egg to make her fall in love with him. Gian gets trapped inside the imprinting egg and falls in love with Suneo when it hatches, Zoidberg also gets trapped inside the imprinting egg and falls in love with Hermes who gets mad when it hatches, and Shizuka falls in love with Leela instead when the imprinting egg hatches just as Nobita, Fry, Bender, the Professor, and Amy go by right until when Leela tells Doraemon to put a helmet on to change Shizuka back and Leela walks Shizuka down the aisle to Nobita at Nobita and Shizuka's wedding in 3026 when Fry, Leela, Amy, Zoidberg, Hermes, LaBarbara, and the Professor are aged and Cubert and Dwight are grown up. The Hulu Futurama revival is bad and stuck in the present. Plus, a Reincarnation remake with the Stand By Me Doraemon and Futurama characters combined in one with different styles and Nobita and Fry thawing out Toshiaki Karasawa, the actor who played Genba Shido from 24 Japan and Takeshi Kitano becomes president of Earth with Taro Yamamoto becoming vice president by beating Nixon in the 3004 election until Taro Yamamoto resigns as vice president of Earth and Toshiaki Karasawa succeeds him in 3006 and Toshiaki Karasawa later becomes president of Earth, succeeding Takeshi Kitano in 3007 when Takeshi Kitano resigns and the opening theme will be inspired by Ken Ishii's Awakening and Pierre Henry's Psyche Rock as the replacement for the original Futurama theme song that will sound like the original Futurama theme song to make it appeal to both Japanese and American audiences and the ending themes will be Himawari no Yakusoku by Motohiro Hata from episodes 1-9 and Niji by Masaki Suda from episodes 10-25 and this will be Futurama's next crossover which is an international crossover series with Doraemon called Futuraemon and the crossover season of Futurama, also known as Futurama meets Doraemon and Hulu renewed Futurama for Seasons 13 and 14 which will have 20 more additional episodes that will be as bad as the previous seasons on Hulu after Season 12 and this will be the first time that Futurama is in Japanese with Japanese language and more advanced and Japanese-themed version of Futurama of which it focuses mostly on Nobita but mainly Shizuka and it will be even better than the Hulu Futurama revival and this crossover series uses some scenes and backgrounds from Stand By Me Doraemon and Stand By Me Doraemon 2 and Hulu would abandon production of Seasons 13 and 14 of Futurama and reverse the Hulu Futurama reboot renewal to make room for the crossover series with Doraemon set to air on TV Asahi since the Hulu Futurama reboot is terrible, boring, and a bad idea and this will stop the Hulu Futurama reboot and help preserve the legacy of Futurama.
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