Bail out the citizens first

  • van: J Shipman
  • ontvanger: All USA voters, the Congress and the Senate, the President/President-elect Elect
By signing this petition, I believe that any bail out of banks or other big corporations or of loans to other countries (Such as the debt forgiven to Brazil), if borne by the citizens, be paid to the citizens and the bank of their choice, to use to pay down their mortgages, catch up their mortgages, save for retirement or college or to start a business.  Such payments would put money into the economy to revive it, but, at least every citizen would have some benefit, not just the rich and powerful or the poor.  The middle class would also receive some benefit.
By signing this petition, I believe that any bail out of banks or other big corporations or of loans to other countries (Such as the debt forgiven to Brazil), if born by the citizens, be paid to the citizens and the bank of their choice, to use to pay down their mortgages, catch up their mortgages, save for retirement or college or to start a business.  Such payments would put money into the economy to revive it, but, at least every citizen would have some benefit, not just the rich and powerful or the poor.  The middle class would also receive some benefit.
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