Prosecute Marc Jacobs for Violating the Federal Fur Labeling Law

Designer Marc Jacobs used misleading labeling calling fur on a jackets as raccoon, when in fact it is a domestic Asian dog. It's called a raccoon dog because it is a dog that looks like a raccoon in it's markings .

Described as “raccoon” fur on the garment’s labels on three designer jackets sold at Century 21, laboratory testing later found it was actually raccoon dog,- a member of the Canid family documented to be often skinned alive in China.

On Dec.18, 2010,  President Obama signed H.R. 2480, The Truth in Fur Labeling Act, that strengthens the FPLA by requiring all garments made with animal fur—regardless of value—to be labeled and advertised with the correct species of animal.

Under the nearly 60-year-old federal Fur Products Labeling Act, it is unlawful to describe the fur on a garment as being from a different type of animal. Violations of the federal fur labeling law carry up to a $5,000 fine and a year in prison.

We ask that this crime be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Designer Marc Jacobs used misleading labeling calling fur on a jackets as raccoon, when in fact it is a domestic Asian dog. It's called a raccoon dog because it is a dog that looks like a raccoon in it's markings .

Described as “raccoon” fur on the garment’s labels on three designer jackets sold at Century 21, laboratory testing later found it was actually raccoon dog,- a member of the Canid family documented to be often skinned alive in China.

On Dec.18, 2010,  President Obama signed H.R. 2480, The Truth in Fur Labeling Act, that strengthens the FPLA by requiring all garments made with animal fur—regardless of value—to be labeled and advertised with the correct species of animal.

Under the nearly 60-year-old federal Fur Products Labeling Act, it is unlawful to describe the fur on a garment as being from a different type of animal. Violations of the federal fur labeling law carry up to a $5,000 fine and a year in prison.

We ask that this crime be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


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