Demand Harsher Penalties for Animal Abusers

Why should monsters who inflict barbaric pain and suffering and kill innocent animals be let off with a lesser sentence than if it were a person!

Animals have rights too, and are part of the family or part of their own families in the wild. Nobody should be allowed to inflict such pain and suffering and/or killing.

We need to make a stand with harsher sentences and stop this, only by doing this it will make these monsters realise that the rest of the population will not tolerate such behaviour.

Please be their voice and make a stand,.

Update #210 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing this petition. Please could you share on your social media and ask friends and family to sign too.
Many thanks
Update #110 jaar geleden
Let's be heard! Please can you share the link with everyone you know so we can achieve enough signatures to be the voice for the voiceless.

Thank you!
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