In August of 2018, a Dalton, PA resident attended a city council meeting and complained about feral cats.
She stated that a neighbor feeds the cats, causing them to live under her deck.
She claims to have counted 35 cats and suggested the cats were attracting skunks, stating she had paid $600 for skunk removal.
There was no mention of attempting to humanely deter the cats or to implement TNR services.
In November 2018, at a Dalton City Council meeting a new ordinance was advertised.
The ordinance would ban the feeding of feral cats and other wildlife.
A fine would be imposed upon anyone caught feeding these cats.
They clearly stated that there was nothing in the ordinance about spaying and neutering.
We, at In Pursuit of Grace, have dealt with many feral cat issues throughout NEPA. We know that the overpopulation of feral cats and stray cats is caused by humans.
Humans not spaying and neutering their pets. Humans allowing their unaltered pets to roam. Humans abandoning their pets.
We also know the only HUMANE, effective solution to this problem, is TNR, Trap, Neuter, Return.
Starving these cats is NOT a humane solution.
By not allowing feeding, new problems will be created; such as cats rummaging through trash to search for food, cats fighting with Each other or other animals over food, etc. As well as the possibility of slow death.
The Dalton Council is not addressing the issue of spaying and neutering. This solves nothing and will only allow the feral and stray population to grow.
To effectively manage these cats, a TNR program must be implemented.
This will stop the cats from breeding, cutting down the population over time. The cats will be vaccinated against rabies as well.
We urge the Dalton City Council to reconsider this ban against feeding feral cats. We ask that they start a TNR program instead. We beg them not to punish these innocent animals.
Humans already failed these cats once, please do not allow it to happen again. It is not the fault of the cats, they are homeless, hungry, cold and just trying to survive. The DECENT thing to do is to help them.
TNR requires the cats to be fed on a schedule.
If you believe it is irresponsible to ban the feeding of stray and feral cats, please sign.
Quite frankly, starving these cats, is animal cruelty.
We would also like to add that In Pursuit of Grace would be happy to help the city of Dalton to establish a TNR program including a TNR ordinance being put into place, we will help every step of the way to do the RIGHT thing.