Overturn Kentucky’s horrific anti-trans law!

A heartless Kentucky state legislature just voted to override the Governor's veto on one of the most draconian anti-trans laws in the country.

SB 150 is a horrific bill that bans all discussion of sexuality and gender in schools, allows teachers to deadname their students, bans gender-affirming healthcare for trans teens and even forces those already transitioning to detransition.

Demand the courts put a stop to these bigoted bills!

Simply put, kids are going to die because of this bill. Studies show the passage of anti-trans legislation leads to a direct increase in internet searches about suicide and depression; 82% of trans youth have considered suicide at one point and 40% have attempted it.

The last hope of Kentucky's trans community lies with the legal challenges to the bill and the courts that will rule on them. Will you add your name to the chorus of voices crying out for justice?

Tell the courts to strike down the Kentucky GOP's horrible anti-trans law!

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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