demand that punishments are harsher for poachers caught killing or harming an endangered animal

so many endangered animals are being killed or trapped by poachers every year. They are beaten, shot, trapped, and skinned alive. Demand that poachers caught doing this are given a harsher punishment. For example the punishment for killing a tiger is 5-7 years for the first time offender But by killing one tiger you are killing a future generation and Possibly even baby's in the womb or Cubs in the den, And not to long ago In Uganda, an endangered gorilla was brutally murdered and the men that killed it were given a fine ranging from $18 and $37. NOT good enough. These animals deserve better and I am willing to fight to see their justice met! Don't leave any more baby's with out a mother. Sign today and together we CAN kill poaching and save tomorrow's animal.

Come on guys! Let's reach 1000. And please please please please write a comment to really help urge prince william to make a difference. We really need comments now!

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