Tell Pete Hegseth: Don’t invade Mexico!

Somehow, the credibly accused sexual predator and alcoholic Pete Hegseth was confirmed in his role as Secretary of Defense, and he's wasting no time in making it clear what a mind-bogglingly stupid decision that was. 

On the morning of January 31st, Hegseth joined the hosts of Fox and Friends and made it clear that military confrontation in Mexico against the cartels was in the cards."I don't want to get ahead of the president and I won't, but that's ultimately going to be his decision. But let me be clear. All options will be on the table. The military is orienting, shifting toward an understanding of homeland defense on our sovereign territorial border," Hegseth continued. "That is something we will do, and do robustly."

Hopefully this is just bravado tough guy talk from a man in shoes he cannot possibly fill — but after the chaos and extremism we've seen the Trump administration unleash this week, there's no doubting they're capable of something as horrendous as sending troops into Mexico. We must make it clear we will NOT stand for this insanity!

Tell Pete Hegseth: Don't invade Mexico!

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