Stop Animal Sacrifice on Bakri Eid

  • van: Seema Asif
  • ontvanger: Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid, Delhi, India

Islam is a great religion marked by compassion and wisdom. Here is an appeal to all Muslims and their leaders to stop animal sacrifice on Bakri Eid as it involves too much of cruelty. The sacrifice almost carried out by Prophet Ibrahim of his son Ismail in obedience of Allah’s command took place thousands of years ago. Since then Muslims all over the world have been sacrificing helpless animals in admiration of Prophet Ibrahim’s faith in Allah. But would the wise and merciful Allah have approved of this terrible cruelty which has been going on for centuries in the name of religion? Is it not time for the Muslim leaders all over the world to put an end to this inhumane practice and tell all Muslims to show their faith in Allah and Islam by fasting on Bakri Eid?

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