An Amazing Program in Denver Reduced Homelessness and Increased Employment!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Los Angeles City Council

For once, a large American city listened to experts and tried something new to address homelessness: giving those without shelter money. And it turns out, this simple program really works.

About 800 homeless Denver residents receive $1,000 per month. Six months into the project, every participant who was sleeping on the streets at the start of the experiment stopped. As a bonus, participants also felt safer and had better mental health than before receiving the money.

This program is simple, effective, relatively cheap, and it works. It's time other cities follow suit and implement something similar!

Sign now to tell Los Angeles City Council to follow in Denver's footsteps to help address homelessness!

Los Angeles has a massive homelessness crisis. On any given night in Los Angeles, nearly 50,000 people are forced to sleep on the streets -- a whopping 10% increase from last year.

People who don't have homes deserve safety and stability, and just a small amount of money can dramatically improve people's quality of life. The Denver Basic Income Project proved that.

It's time Los Angeles implement a program like Denver's to help local unhoused folks! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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