The fight to end Discrimination towards helpless dogs in Denver

The issue with Animal Welfare is Pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or any dog displaying any of those breeds or physical traits are being banned in states because many people believe they are dangerous and fight because that's what's in their 'blood'.But the dogs that are fighting and are dangerous to people, are like that because that's how they've been taught. This is similar to children who sadly have to grown up in poverty with an abusive poor family. In most cases, those children that grow up in those types of families end up being the same, abusive and poor. We can't just ban future generations. Dogs are living creatures that mean very much to the world. Yes, there is a difference between a human beings and dogs but dogs deserve a good life just like children that we raise charities for so that they can have better lives. The breeds that were explained above should not be banned anywhere just because of the way their owners have taught and treated them. If they grew up in good homes with good families they won't be dangerous, just like children. If anything, owners that influence the dogs dangerous things, and treat them poorly should have consequences. That is called animal abuse. It is not a dog's fault that they are dangerous because that's what they've been taught, that's all they know. Please take this into consideration for taking this to the public, dogs deserve the best in life.

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