Help save Australia’s black cockatoos from extinction

  • van: Georgina B
  • ontvanger: Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment

The Australian government has been asked to intervene to save the habitat of at least 4,000 endangered Carnaby’s black cockatoos near Perth in Western Australia. The government of Western Australia did not refer the clearing to the federal government for an environmental assessment.

Due to the amount of water the trees require, the Western Australian government has been clearing the 23,000 hectare Gnangara pine plantation to protect Perth’s water catchment area.

However, conservationists are concerned the plantation isn’t being replaced with any trees to ensure habitat for the endangered species. The birds rely on the plantation for food and nesting.

The bird started moving to the Perth pine plantations in the 1950s due to habitat loss. The cockatoo’s population is in collapse, declining by around 15% every year. Clearing the plantations will hasten its extinction.

Carnaby’s can live for up to 50 years in the wild and have strong bonds to their partners for life.

Please sign and share the petition to demand the Australian government stops the clearing of Gnangara pine plantation to save the Carnaby’s black cockatoo from extinction.

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