Stop the Slaughter of 90,000 Seals in Namibia!

  • van: Chris Wolverton
  • ontvanger: Namibia Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources

Starting in July each year, Namibian license holders start slaughtering Cape Fur seals and don't stop until they reach their quota of 85,000 baby seal pups and 6,000 bulls. This is the largest slaughter of marine life on the planet, surpassing even the Canadian seal hunt.

The cull is driven by one fur trader, Hatem Yavuz, who buys all the pelts and processes them for fashion. Only 107,910 Cape Fur seal pups were born in 2006. Despite this, 85,000 terrified pups are separated from their mothers every year and clubbed to death with clubs that have nails in them. 

Slaughtering seals for fur coats and other fashions is needless and cruel. The Namibian Government could make more of a profit, increase tourism and create more jobs from live seals. Please sign the petition to urge officials to end this annual slaughter.

Dear Namibia Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources,

We, the undersigned, are shocked to learn about the large-scale seal slaughter that occurs in Namibia every year.

We understand that Namibian license holders start slaughtering Cape Fur seals in early July and don't stop until they reach their quota of 85,000 baby seal pups and 6,000 bulls. This is the largest slaughter of marine life on the planet, surpassing even the Canadian seal hunt.

The cull is driven by one fur trader, Hatem Yavuz, who buys all the pelts and processes them for fashion. Only 107,910 Cape Fur seal pups were born in 2006. Despite this, 85,000 terrified pups are separated from their mothers every year and clubbed to death with clubs that have nails in them. 

Slaughtering seals for fur coats and other fashions is needless and cruel. The Namibian Government could make more of a profit, increase tourism and create more jobs from live seals. The cull is gaining international attention and will hurt Namibia's reputation if allowed to continue. We respectfully urge you to take action to end this terrible practice. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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