Roy Blunt: We Want a Town Hall Meeting With You!

Roy Blunt does not currently hold public town hall meetings to listen to his constituents in person.

At a pop up meeting with one of his staffer's we asked why. Her response? He just doesn't.

This is not acceptable. We demand a public audience in our great state of Missouri with Senator Blunt.

So sign and share to show Senator Blunt that this is what his constituents want.

Also, call, tweet, and e-mail him directly.


To stay up todate with our cause, please follow our Facebook page.

There you will find resources on events, how to call the Senator and flyers to post around your area. 

Thank you all for your support!

Update #28 jaar geleden
Senator Blunt still hasn't scheduled a town hall meeting with us, so it's time to ramp things up! Find out how at the Care2 Town Hall Strategy Call on Tuesday, March 7th at 3pm ET/12pm PT. Just dial 641-715-3580 and enter the access code: 261-371. The call will lay out everything you need to know about how to pressure members of Congress to hold town hall meetings during the upcoming March 16th recess.
Update #18 jaar geleden
This petition started out of a feeling of frustration, it has grown into a movement of hope. Having a dialogue with constituents should be a given of all of our elected officials. I thank each and every one of you for signing and sharing this petition. We are all apart of changing the way Missouri politics run.
Further updates can be found on our Facebook page:
Thank you!
Karisa G.

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