PROTECT WOLVES by opposing the Baucus-Tester bill (S.3864) and any attempt to attach it to a spending bill.
America's wolves are facing a grave new threat.
Please call your two senators today and register your opposition -- for the sake of wolf survival!
Senators Baucus and Tester of Montana have introduced legislation that would circumvent our latest court victory by stripping wolves of their endangered species protection in both Montana and Idaho.
The bill would lead to open season on wolves. Hundreds of them could be gunned down.There is no time to lose. The Baucus-Tester bill could be attached to a spending bill and voted on
in the next two weeks -- without public hearings or debate.Contact Government
We encourage you to contact your elected officials and share your thoughts on current events and government policy. Below you'll find links to e-mail and postal addresses, and phone numbers for key elected officials.
This threat is so dire, we are urging all NRDC Members and activists to call your two senators immediately and express your strong opposition to this measure. Click here to get the simple information you need to place those two calls. It will take only a few minutes of your time but could help spell the difference between life and death for wolves across the Northern Rockies.
Do NOT assume that your senators will defend wolves because they are pro-wildlife or pro-environment. Many such senators will be under tremendous pressure to support this measure if it is attached to a spending bill.
Tell your senators to protect wolves by opposing the Baucus-Tester bill (S.3864) and any attempt to attach it to a spending bill.
This bill is a blatant attempt to bypass court orders
and good science, which say that wolves should remain on the Endangered Species List, protected from mass killing, until they're fully recovered.
Congress has never before removed an animal from the Endangered Species List. The Baucus-Tester bill will not only lead to the slaughter of wolves, it will set a terrible precedent by replacing scientific judgment with political calculation -- undermining the very basis of the Endangered Species Act.
The U.S. Senate is moving legislation that would bypass the courts and lead to the mass killing of endangered wolves. It could pass in the next two weeks.
Please call your two senators today and register your opposition -- for the sake of wolf survival!

The return of wolves to Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies is one of America's greatest conservation success stories. Don't let Congress turn that success into slaughter.
Please stand up for wolves
by calling your senators today!