Demand Charges To Be Dismissed On Resident Of Madison County, AR, For Reporting Animal Neglect

Margaret Morris-Calderon is a Law Abiding Citizen, who has lived in her home for 17 year's. Her residence is outside of city limits. There isn't any animal control that comes outside of city limits in Madison County, Arkansas. The correct authority to call is the Sheriffs Station. When she called them they came to her house first and harassed and bullied her. As they walked away, refusing to give their names when asked. There was 3 deputies, then they went next door about 70 feet away. To check on the animals. Came back and warned Margaret to not call to report animal cruelty again on the people she reported. They lied about past incidents of the animals conditions. Not any one of them had come on prior calls of two dates. And because Margaret video recorded them out of fear on their return same night. They arrested her, and took her to jail. The deputy warned Margaret verbally at that time to not call of animal neglect again on her neighbor animals, or he'd consider it to be harassment. Not even 5 minutes later he arrested her on those charges. And she never even left her home that day. And didn't contact the people she reported in any way. They weren't even home.

This wasn't the first time Margaret had to report her neighbors for leaving the home for several days with out previsions of care. The neglect started back in August 2018, when the neighbors introduced their dog to their home by dropping off the dog and leaving it there for days. The dog not knowing what was going on? Laid in the middle of the road. Margaret took food to set off the side of the road to lure the dog off the road at a 40mp, county road. Eventually days later the family came home. Margaret kept it to herself of the occurrence. 

Her neighbors continued to leave their home for several days every week. Without making previsions of caring for their pets. Then a few months later they introduced a small breed puppy and a cat. Two dogs and a cat. 

The neighbors would still continue to leave their house each week for several days. Leaving their pets behind without care. Eventually it was getting worse. The dogs started roaming looking for food before the people would leave them alone. Causing the pets to be deprived from food for more then three days. Their cat was coming to Margaret's porch in a starved state. Their cat was so desperate for food, that the need for food was stronger then the fear of Margaret's dogs of large size. 

When Margaret fed the cat on her porch the cat growled while she was scarfing down her food. It didn't want to be interrupted from eating. It a skinny cat. It's apparent that their cat was starving. And the dogs were to follow in search for food too. Margaret put food down for the dogs also on her property. 

Margaret's neighbors aren't poor people, and aren't in a broken family. Their parents aren't old either. Margaret could see this was a deliberate act of neglect. Margaret had to go to their front door to knock on it and introduced herself. On Nov 4, 2018. She let them know she was feeding their pets, and they were starving. Margaret was going to offer temporary help if she saw that they needed it. She has a dog house she wasn't using. Her dogs sleep in the house. And had been feeding their pets off the side of the road and on her own property already. But they didn't need temporary help. It was just intentional neglect on their part. 
The man of the house was defensive and told Margaret to leave their property. Margaret then called the Sheriffs Department to make a report.

The Sargent came to the neighbors home first on 11/4/18, Then to Margaret. The Sargent immediately accused Margaret of trespassing. And told her to not go there. Margaret corrected the Sargent, by pointing out there is no sigh of no trespassing posted anywhere. And went to their front door in a civilized manner. And told the Sargent she wasn't going back to their house. She told him she intended to offer temporary assistance if needed. But saw that wasn't the situation.

From that point on Margaret took video with the Sargent there. And any pictures with escort of deputy who came out. On the next report there at the time. While standing off the side of the road. Not entering their property. No hiding in videos or camera, they are with escort of officers there at the same time. They're in that picture and video. Different deputies each time. Never the same officer.

The vary next day, the neighbors left their house again for 2 1/2 days. Only this time they tied up the dogs without a dog house. Temperatures dropped drastically and rain was in the forecast.  Margaret called the Madison County Sheriffs Station again on Nov 7, 2018. The Lieutenant came out without talking to Margaret. That evening Margaret called again because she wasn't aware anyone came. Because there still wasn't any dog houses. And no one was there. Another officer came out while Margaret stood on the side of the road to watch and take pictures. The officer said there was food on the dirt! Margaret felt that another officer must of come out. The next day Margaret went to the Sheriffs Department for copies of the reports. And to request a Citizen Voluntary Statement sheet to take home to fill out. And saw that two officers had came on the 7th. Then the neighbors were made to provide dog houses for the dogs by the officer. Margaret knew the root of the problem wasn't being resolved. The people are still leaving their pets behind ongoing on a regular basis with out previsions of food. Still hadn't been resolved. No one wanted to talk about that.

Margaret could see the neighbors house, with their dogs tied up, out front without anyone there again and again. Margaret knew that it would show on the dogs weight that no one was feeding their pets anymore for their convenience. 

On Nov 27, 2018, Margaret Morris-Calderon didn't even leave her home that day, and was arrested For calling the Madison County Sheriffs Department to report animal neglect. That evening, Margaret was having dinner. The little dog was yapping for help and needed attention. It was heartbreaking to hear these dogs suffer from hunger. And their cat was still coming over to be fed. Margaret couldn't stand the sound of the plea for help by the little innocent puppy and dog. After doing her dishes, Margaret called the Sheriffs Department to report her neighbors being gone for several days. And the animals were desperate for food. The dispatch was mixing Margaret up with someone else who had called a few days ago. Margaret told him it wasn't her. That she never talked to this dispatch before. And Margaret knew the last call to report animal neglect was more then two weeks ago. He really didn't want to take the call.

Then the people came home. Margaret felt the people were being tipped off to come home. It was the second time that Margaret called to report. And immediately they came home. They were being tipped off that deputies were on their way. So Margaret called back to the Sheriffs to let them know that the neighbors came home. But it didn't mean that their pets were being feed. It was a curtesy call, if the officers had something else to do? They could go do that first.

The Deputies came anyway, on their own merit, it wasn't needed at that point, if something else was important, 7:11pm. They 3 of them, stopped at Margaret's house first. And put all blame on Margaret for them being there. They teamed up to bully and harassed. They verbally badgered with raised voice. Even falsely accused her of reporting to a 911 call. They harassed Margaret for making the animal neglect report. And hadn't been next door yet to see anything. They never came out before to a call. After their bulling and badgering. They refused to give their identity. Then they left Margaret's home to talk to her neighbors. Margaret then called the Sheriffs Station to ask for the deputies names. The Dispatch person then said the deputy is on the line, and wants to talk to you. Margaret asked for the deputies to come back to her home before they leave. To tell he what ever it was? She still needed their names. They were only about 70 feet away. The deputies got in their cars and intentionally left the area without speaking to Margaret, to cause Margaret to call back. They provoked call back's! Margaret then called back to dispatch to tell them the officers left the area. Dispatch wasn't allowing Margaret say they left the area. She was told to wait. They're on their way. After close to a half-hour. When the deputies did come back. Margaret video recorded them out of fear. She needed to bring truth to what was going on, and have the identities of the officers. To protect herself.
The officers then shined their flashlight into her camera lens and her face intentionally blinding Margaret from seeing. When Margaret tried to angle her camera to get badge names, the deputy grabbed Margaret's arm and rist and squeezed her hand to force her to let go of her cellphone. She couldn't see a thing! She was completely blinded by their bright lights. The deputy immediately cuffed her rist and placed her under arrest at her home. They made their way into Margaret's home. Still verbally abusing her and harassing her. Forced Margaret's dogs out of their home into the cold night. Was her 15 year old lab mix. And her 8 year old boxer mix. And her cats were then locked up inside the house.
The deputy asked Margaret, what's the difference from your animals now and theirs? Margaret replied my animals have food, for one thing. Margaret was arrested for Carges: Harassment. And Interfering with a public building.

They intentionally left out the name of the building as being the Madison County Sheriffs Office. To create an appearance of Margaret to of harassment at any public building. And then later changed the description to a Vital Public Operations Building. The deputy falsely accused Margaret of calling the Arkansas, Madison County Sheriffs Department 8 times. Margaret had to tell them she would print her AT&T history to show she hadn't, and never called 911. The office personnel were still telling people that Margaret called 911 for weeks. Margaret has copies of her AT&T history of calls made. To stop them of the false accusations. 11/27/2018, photographs of history of neighbors pets, and video, and a video of her being arrested, just to protect herself out of fear, and false accusations being made by Officers. Margaret video recorded the deputies because they were lying and harassed her. They wouldn't give their names.

Margaret never expected to be arrested for videoing. She was only trying to protect herself. It's not illegal to video record officers in Arkansas. As long as you're not prohibiting them from doing their job. It's in Arkansas laws supported by the First Amendment. There was different officers each time on Nov 4th, 7th, and 27th, 2018. Margaret wasn't being aloud to talk to the Sheriffs past 1st time on the Nov 4th. This officer in this video wasn't at the two prior calls. Margaret didn't harass anyone. She made no contact with them what so ever after her first introducing herself. That was the one and only time.

Margart was the founder of Peace for Pet's Humane Association in year 2000-2008. Registered with Arkansas Secretary of State. With Articles of Incorporation, with The Prevention of Animal Cruelty written in it. 501(c)(3). Margaret closed the Humane Association because of the global economic crash in 2008. She's has been active in animal and environment awareness for 20 years.

2012 Arkansas Code. Title 5- Criminal Offenses. Subtitle 6- Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, or Welfare. Chapter 62- Animal Subchapter 1–General Preventions. Ark Universal Citation: AR 5-62-107(2012) a person who in good faith reports a suspected incident of cruelty to animals, 5-62-104, to local law enforcement agency or to the Department of Arkansas State Police is immune from civil and criminal liability for reporting the incident. Prevention of Cruelty AR Code: 5-62-111(a) A person may lawfully interfere to prevent the imminent or ongoing perpetration of any offense of cruelty or neglect to animals 5-62-103, or aggravated cruelty to a dog, cat, or horse, 5-62-104, upon any animal in his or her presence. (b) Upon a conviction, a person who knowingly interferes with or obstructs a person acting under Subsection (a) of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Chapter 62- Animals. Subchapter 1- -General Previsions. Ark Code: 5-62-103 Offense of cruelty to animals. A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals if he or she knowingly: (1) Subjects any animal to cruel mistreatment; (3)(4)(5).

The Madison County Sheriffs Department Deputy still took Margaret to jail for reporting animal neglect. On false pretenses. 

Make the Arkansas, Madison County, Sheriffs Department Charges be dropped/dismissed against Margaret Morris-Calderon on November 27, 2018. Reporting pet neglect is the true nature.
And restore her civil rights to be allowed to call the Sheriffs Department when needed. Animals have rights to proction under Arkansas law. Protect our animal rights. And protect the citizens rights to report animal cruelty. There is no reason why an animal has to be at deaths door for help! Especially when neighbors are being faced with their suffering every week ongoing.

More and more animal abusers are accusing the people who report them. To be harassing them. It's become a common accusation made by animal abusers to get people off of their tail. There was never any 911 call. Once a officer of blue puts charges on a person. Even with the evidence on my AT&T sheet history. Even if the changes are dismissed? Those charges are still going to be on record to see. Margaret has requested her record to be sealed to protect her as a law abiding citizen. The AT&T sheets of 11/27/2018 of calls made are filed in the District Court of Madison County, Arkansas. As evidence.

This has been a vary traumatizing experience. That has lasted for months. The fear of Officers isn't going away. It's interrupted with sleep, and everyday functions, out of fear. To go into details of how it's changed Margaret's life isn't possible on a Petition. He life in Madison County isn't the same. After living there for 20 years. The trauma from their harassment has changed her life as feeling protected by law enforcement. To be a law abiding citizen, and arrested at you're own home. For doing the right thing in reporting animal cruelty. Isn't like any other type of arrest. No citizen should ever be made to live in fear for their life for standing up for neglected animals. It's wrong, and it's in violation of citizens and animals rights by law.

Update #16 jaar geleden
No American should live in fear of Officers in Blue, because of Incrimination of False Pretenses. Animals have a right to be heard for their safety by civilians. Law abiding citizens shouldn’t be made targets to incriminate. They are here to protect law abiding citizens. Not to falsely incriminate them. To have criminal charges on their record. Especially when they have law codes in protection of good faith reporting animal cruelty.
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