Demand the end to burning trees now!

Every year, an uncontrolled large-scale burning takes place in many parts of Indonesia, such as Sumatra and Borneo.

For years, giant logging companies have plundered the forests of Indonesia with impunity, swellng their profits and moving on. They could have bulldozed or burned the debris. However, hey chose to burn, because it was cheaper and faster.

The Indonesian Government also stands accused of greed: granting concessions to timber companies to log one million hectares of forest a year, flouting its own rules on replanting.

The consequences were aplenty. Hundreds of people reported killed as the fires spread uncontrollably from Bomeo and Sumatra, throwing a deadly blanket of smog over 70 million people in six countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Thailand. The world already has environmental issues that will have a devastating effect on public health and change global climate.

Why do we still accept those activities that would harm our earth? Do we want our children not to experience nature any more? The yearly Indonesian burning has a huge impact on the environmental state of the earth. Join me in stepping up and changing our earth for the better. Thank you

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