Say no to Hubli-Ankola railway project!
The team of experts from the Indian Institute of Science appointed by the state
government to study the environmental impact of the project submitted a report
within six months is of the opinion that the project could cause severe damage
to ecology and wildlife in Uttara Kannada district .
Team coordinator T V Ramachandran on Friday said the team had studied the
biological diversity, ecology and environment in the region between Hubli and
Ankola. The railway line will be laid for 163.8 km connecting Hubli to Ankola.
According to the team, a total of 1,134 hectares of land (727 hectare of forest
land, 210 hectare of dry land and 179 hectare of wetland will be completely
degraded with the implementation of the project. It has noted that the rail line
would pass through the sensitive Tiger reservoir area.
“The plan mooted by South Western Railway has indicated that 20 stations will
come up in the 164 km stretch and this would cause more damage to the forest
area. The project poses threat to the rich flora near Yellapur taluk which is not
found elsewhere,” Ramachandran said. Further the project could also affect the
rlephant corridor near Hosalli and Kolikeri, the team said.
Deforestation to the tune of 20 per cent, landslide during monsoon at Vajralli
and Yellapur, construction of labour colonies and blasting of rocks could be
other deterrents for the project, according to the experts.
So please be concerned about one of our ancient Forests and wildlife which is endemic to our Western ghats, please sign the petition for the better cause.
Yours faithfully Babaprahlad M Pai.
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