• van: Tamara Cassidy
  • ontvanger: The Calgary Stampede Board; The Mayor of Calgary and Calgary City Council

The Calgary Stampede is still celebrating this year by killing more horses during Its chuckwagon race event - spurring outrage from animal advocates and calls to ban chuckwagon races for good.  Calf roping is another heartless event that damages the bodies/psyche of innocent calves that have no idea where they are, or why.

The accidents that lead to the deaths happen all-too regularly with horses being pushed past their limits, terrified and exhausted with all of the unknowns surrounding them.  Many horses die of heart failure or suffer strokes; while many others suffer severe injuries, and are instantly euthanized.

Calf roping is another tragic event that is held at the Calgary Stampede rodeo.  Calves, who should be with their mothers, resting and being nurtured, are released into the corral, caught around the throat/neck with strong ropes; jerked backward off their feet, and thrown to the ground onto their backs.  Their eyes bulge with terror, their hearts are damaged, and their necks are whiplashed/damaged beyond repair.  Their limbs are also damaged.  The psyche of these gentle, trusting creatures is shattered.

Despite recent attempts to improve safety, it's clear that nothing can be done to ensure that horses/calves will not continue to be injured or killed for nothing more than entertainment in the future.

Please sign and share the petition urging the Calgary Stampede to ban chuckwagon race and calf roping events for good.  Please sign my other petition as well to put extra pressure in stopping calf roping at this link:

Thank you for your support and thank you for loving the animals  PLEASE contact the Calgary Stampede Offices to express your opinions of dismay at

Tamara XO

Dear Member of the Calgary Stampede Board/Mayor Nenshi and Calgary City Council:

Over and over, the MYTH that horses and other animals need jobs to keep them happy is spoken.  The reddest necks will claim this is truth to their last breath.

Our hearts break at the sight of a horse or calves' eyes filled with terror and uncertainty; them being pushed to do something they are obviously able to do, but do not comprehend why they are being forced to perform when their nature is to be free. 

These beautiful creatures have no resistance, or have no ill will toward human beings.  Why, then, do human beings care so little for the delicate nature they possess?

The world of animal advocates is heartbroken and dumbfounded at the repetitive and constant need for entertainment those who fill your stadiums possess; and that these events are allowed to continue at the cost of so many animals being killed or dying just for so-called entertainment.

Money and apathy are at the root of this horrific event.  The animal advocates of this world are not going away.  We are also growing in numbers.  Your events are tremendously outdated, and apathetic; and other countries in the world are shocked and dismayed that they take place.  They do not even belong in a place where children enjoy themselves in a fairground environment

We will act and wish for an end to everything you and this rodeo hell represent.

Broken-hearted regards,

Tamara Cassidy

Vancouver BC


Update #53 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing. Please remember to share to allow others to act; to spread awareness; and to strengthen/create laws that protect the animals. Rodeo is about USING/ABUSING animals. If anyone tells you the animals are well cared for, it is only because they need to be in shape to be USED/ABUSED. Keep spreading the Word in any way you know how, and thank you for standing up for the animals, the innocence, with love and compassion.

Kindest regards,
Update #48 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing my petition against Rodeo Cruelty/Chuckwagon Torture that occurs against innocent animals at the Calgary Stampede. Please share this petition again if you would to enable us to spread more awareness, gather more signatures, and persuade people to not support this Crime Against Animals. Thank you for your efforts thus far.
Update #38 jaar geleden
Thank you for all your support in signing this petition. Please share on any other social media you may be involved with to help us reach the 300,000 signature mark. The awareness created by petitions is phenomenal, and other people start to support the fight, and expose what is wrong with those in our world who harm and torture precious animals.

Kindest regards,

Update #29 jaar geleden
Thank you once again for signing my petition. It now has over 225,100 signatures!! Please share the petition where you can. Too many animals have been permanently injured or given their lives in the name of entertainment. My goal is to have 300,000 signatures prior to the 2016 Calgary Stampede.

Calgary Stampede Board Telephone numbers are: 403-261-0101 (local); 1-888-883-3828 (North America toll free). Please call to voice your opinion XO
Update #19 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing my petition to put an end to the horrific chuck wagon racing event where horses die daily at the Calgary Stampede. Calf Roping is the other event that tortures and terrifies calves; and many meet their demise because of injuries.
Please help us move one step closer to turning the Calgary Stampede into a beautiful fun, amusement park/musical/human entertainment environment. Rodeo evil ruins it for many.

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