Justice for Dukey an innocent dog shot and killed by the RCMP!!

  • van: Tina Marconi
  • ontvanger: Ministry of Justice of Saskatchewan,the RCMP, civilian review and complaints commissions of the RCMP, Saskatchewan humane society

Dogs are mans best friend and should have equal rights.

The Prince Albert K-9 unit and the RCMP of Kamsack Saskatchewan shot and killed innocent Dukey who was lying in the grass wagging his tail. This poor innocent animal died for no good reason during the arrest of Adam Cote. The officer murdered him and should be held responsible. Police men abusing their power and badge. Dukey should have been brought to the veterinarian. He was in a submissive state there was no need to shoot him dead.

We need to stand together and get justice for Dukey join me and sign my petition!!

Here is the video -- be warned it is very disturbing.

Dear decision maker,

This video of the arrest of Adam cote had broken my heart and many more around the world. 

As trained professionals the RCMP is supposed to use proper protocols, which they didn't. They are supposed to use dog or bear spray, if it's called for. It was the end of the arrest Cote was already outside being put into the cruiser.

The K-9 and his handler were taunting poor Dukey just hoping he would make a move. Dukey is watching his owner who was only 15 years old at the time, freak out and video tape, he's watching her brother being dragged out half naked. They are on his property we all know dogs are territorial animals.

If Dukey did get into a dog fight with the K-9 where are the police cruiser cameras footage of this? It was just a dog fight, It's easily separated, a good man with compassion would have done this. Not grab his gun unload the whole thing on poor Dukey, hit him twice and then grab the shot gun and shoot him two shots in the head. Dukey was shot twice and still wasn't howling in pain, we know when you must put an animal down it howls in pain.

The RCMP officer says it was out of compassion. COMPASSION would have been dealing with the situation differently, COMPASSION would have been allowing his owner take him to the veterinarians and COMPASSION would have been not pulling his gun out in the first place. An admirable police officer who has compassion for animals was officer John Lyons. One night while patrolling he found a pregnant dog, a mastiff. He brought her to the vets and picked her up the next day. Him and his wife helped deliver clarices puppies. They took care of her and her babies until they were all adopted. Officer Lyons has an extremely close bond with Clarice. This is compassion a man and his wife who have big hearts. 

We demand change in how policemen are trained in this type of situation. Penalties for not following proper protocols should be more strict. I understand being a policemen is a very demanding and stressful job, making good choices under pressure and reacting according to the situation is extremely important. Officers should be taught the basics of animal behaviour how to read the dogs body language, to know when a dog is a threat or not.

We are also seeking justice for Dukey and his 15 year old owner at the time, she will be affected for the rest of her life, she should also be compinsated for pain and suffering. We need to make changes before many more innocent lives are ended for no reason just like Dukey.

Dogs are the most loyal animals on earth, they love you more than they love themselves. Working together we can make changes to make sure nothing like this happens again! 

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