Explosions Threaten Our Lives And Environment

  • van: Denise Allen
  • ontvanger: Ivo Josipović Croatian president

We live in a beautiful rural village in Istria Croatia,its landscape of olive trees and grapevine along with a multitude of wildlife is under threat from a profit driven proposal to reopen a stone quarry which will desecrate this idyllic area.

The local village properties have been inhabited for generations and In recent years the local village council has given permission for new tourist villa developments and also private dwellings to be built around the area of the disused quarry,in most cases properties are only meters away from the proposed explosions.

If the quarry reopens the landscape including a natural watering hole and hedges will be bulldozed to make way for a new road for access, this road will carry huge trucks covering the land and its inhabitants with choking white dust until 2099. Our peace, health and environment will be under serious threat also because the landscape is of rock foundations their is no telling how long we can sustain explosions without serious damage to our properties. we ask on behalf of ourselves, the many animals and forest to sign this petition.

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