Stop the Killing of Adoptable Animals! Require Spay/Neuter for all NC Pets!

Each year, tens of thousands of highly adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are needlessly killed in North Carolina's pounds and animal shelters. This wanton killing not only causes unnecessary suffering, but also results in taxpayers spending millions of dollars in euthasia expenses. The primary reason for this senseless killing is pet owners who refuse to have their pets spayed and neutered, even though many live in areas where low-cost and even free spay/neuter options are available. Yet the litters keep pouring into our under-funded and over-crowded shelters. Please petition Governor McCrory to follow the lead of cities like Dallas, Las Vegas and Los Angeles and turn North Carolina into the first state to require sterilization for anyone who purchases or adopts a dog or cat for companion purposes!     

Dear Governor McCrory:

As tax-paying citizens of North Carolina who care about animals, we respectfully request that you enact legislation requiring the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats either bought or adopted for companion animal purposes.

Each year, tens of thousands of highly adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are needlessly killed in North Carolina's pounds and animal shelters. This wanton killing not only causes unnecessary suffering, but also results in taxpayers spending millions of dollars in euthasia expenses. The primary reason for this senseless killing is pet owners who refuse to have their pets spayed and neutered, even though many live in areas where low-cost and even free spay/neuter options are available. Yet the litters keep pouring into our under-funded and over-crowded shelters.

We are asking you to please examine the successes that large cities like Dallas, Las Vegas and Los Angeles have had in adopting sterilization laws and turn North Carolina into the first state to require sterilization for anyone who purchases or adopts a pet dog or cat for companion purposes. Let's show the world that we really DO care by becoming leaders in the forefront of companion animal welfare, and by ending the overcrowding in our shelters that results in the unnecessary euthanasia of healthy, adoptable companion animals today!     

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petitie tekenen


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