Queensgate Hotel: Stop Promoting the Greyhound Racing Industry

Queensgate Hotel in Peterborough have teamed up with Peterborough Greyhound Stadium to offer "accommodation and racing deals". 

According to GBGB's own figures, 1,003 retiring greyhounds either died or were "put to sleep" in 2017. That's 3 every single day. Nearly 350 were killed because either a suitable home could not be found for them, or treating them was deemed "too costly". The total injuries in the industry for 2017 was reported as 4,837, across just 22 licensed tracks – 257 of these were fatalities - killed trackside on "humane grounds".

According to figures from CAGED, Peterborough is the second most dangerous track in the UK for dogs. In 2017 alone, there were 3,565 incidents - 3,383 collisions, 77 greyhounds fell, 16 finished lame, 51 greyhounds hit the rails and 36 were unable to finish. 

In 2017 a Peterborough greyhound trainer was found guilty at a GBGB disciplinary hearing of having a greyhound which tested positive for the drug dexamethazone. 

Frisby Barney is a male greyhound who was found in the Chinese dog meat trade. He was last raced at Peterborough.

Please sign this petition and ask Queensgate Hotel, Peterborough to disassociate themselves from this appalling industry and stop promoting greyhound racing.

If you are signing and live in Cambridgeshire, especially Peterborough, I would encourage you to leave a comment too.

Update #26 jaar geleden
Queensgate Hotel deleted people's comments from Facebook! But they can't delete Google reviews. Will you leave a review of their hotel to tell them what you think about them promoting the cruel greyhound racing industry? You need a Google (e.g. Gmail) account to do this.
Update #16 jaar geleden
Will you comment on the hotel's most recent Facebook post to ask them to stop promoting greyhound racing? Despite many phone calls to let them know about this petition, they failed to get back to me with a decision about their promotion of greyhound racing. We need you to encourage them to respond.
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