Saddleback, Maine must not become a Lost Ski Area!

Saddleback, Maine: Bigger than You Think. Different from the Rest. Highest base elevation of any New England ski area.

There is a mystique to Saddleback that is timeless and awe inspiring. It imprints vividly on any visitor.

Economically it is critical to the town of Rangeley, Franklin County, the state of Maine, and New England skiing as a whole.

As the pending sale of Saddleback has moved through weeks and months and now past a year since the July 2015 announcement, it is easy to get frustrated with the progress.

We all depend on Saddleback in different ways. Some of us depend on Saddleback to put food on the table and pay the bills. Some of us depend on Saddleback to satisfy our outdoor recreational pursuits. Some of us depend on Saddleback just to get away from it all and be at peace with ourselves and our families.

For most all of us… Saddleback is home.

“The mountains are calling and I must go”- John Muir

- Is Saddleback calling you?
- Do you miss skiing at Saddleback?
- Are you anxiously awaiting news to plan your winter adventures?

We, the signers of this petition, are ready to come back and work and/or ski at Saddleback.

The signers of this petition appreciate all the hard work and investments made by the Berry family to improve Saddleback over the last 10+ years. We ask that Saddleback management, prospective buyer(s) and the Berry family to keep working hard to do everything possible to come to a successful conclusion and make lift serviced skiing once again available this coming season. We will do our best to be open to the changes needed to make Saddleback a sustainable business and we will support Saddleback as best we are able.

Saddleback, Maine must not become a Lost Ski Area. Please sign this petition to show your support and use the comment box to tell everyone why Saddleback is a special place for you.

Over the past two weeks, we have been circulating a petition. Our purpose was to show that a client base still exists for Saddleback, even without concrete plans for winter 2016/2017 operations, and despite the circumstances of the last winter. You will see that the signers of the petition range from "local" locals who call Rangeley home, to people from all over who simply feel that Saddleback is "home."

In these pages of signatures you will find overwhelmingly positive support for continued mountain operations and testimonials about how Saddleback is in the hearts of many signers.

We assume that you do not need a list of virtues to understand how important the mountain is to the community and just how special and majestic the mountain is.

Simply: Saddleback must not become a lost ski area.

Please take a moment from the critical, probably grueling, work of developing a solution that allows for a sustainable business plan for Saddleback's future. Reflect that Saddleback is different from the rest. As the mountain inspires so many, be inspired as you read through the support of people ready to be back at Saddleback.

Thank you,

Michael Salisbury and Susan Sheehan

Update #28 jaar geleden
There is an effort underway to form a Saddleback Co-op much like Mad River Glen. The organizers need to rapidly gauge interest in making Saddleback a skier owned mountain. This survey is open to everyone interested. It's essential that they get as many responses as possible so they can truly understand if we can raise the capital needed to open for the 2016-2017 season and beyond. Please click the link to take the survey.
Update #18 jaar geleden
Hello Friends of Saddleback - thank you very much for signing the petition in support of Saddleback. As of Sunday morning (July 31) we had over 560+ signers. In a few days, we plan to deliver the petition to the Berry's and Saddleback Management and we will ask them to forward it to the prospective buyer. It would be great to get over 1000 signatures, so please keep spreading the word! Thanks!
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