Help Me Plant 1000 Trees - October 16

  • van: William K.
  • ontvanger: Everyone in Care2 who wants to help the Earth by planting trees.

Together we can turn back the tide of global climate change and deforestation.

Please help me achieve my goal of planting 1000 trees!  Your signatures contribute toward my tree planting effort, as well as earn butterfly credits for yourself to use as you choose, although I would appreciate it if you would join me in my quest to plant as many trees as possible.

I have created a Care2 group dedicated to this quest.  Please join my group, where you will find all of my tree planting petitions. 

I currently have planted 346 trees, so I am well on my way toward my goal. 

Won't you join me in achieving this goal?  Your assistance is much appreciated.

Here are some of my other tree planting petitions, if you would care to sign:

Thank you!

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