Stop false allegations to CPS, Stop tarnishing reputation out of spite.

    The issue is this. Every year thousands of false allegations are made to CPS out of spite. Those who are angry, jealous, hurt, who hold envy, will make sure they do everything they can to see you fall. Those who see you happy without them will use whatever they can to tarnish your reputation, with no consequences for wasting everyone's time involved and portraying a story that is far from truth. I petition for change. Change that holds those accountable for fabricating stories, those who's intentions were meant to make you look like monster, and those who's ultimate goal was to rip your child from your home and turn your world completely upside down. Without holding those accountable we continue to investigate lies and waste the time spent when officers respond to the reports, and the social workers time that are assigned to the case, the school officials time spent having to be present when a child is questioned by police officers, and lastly the parents who are falsely accused of abusing there children. If we continue to allow anonymous reports then we continue to allow those who's intentions are bad to continuesly harm those who are innocent.
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen


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