Petition to Disband the United Nations

250 years ago America was ruled under another government - the oppressive Great Britain government. At the time, Great Britain had debts in which it charged the American colonies extremely high taxes, putting the colonies into a depression. The end result was a revolution against Great Britain.
Today there is a new ruler. That ruler is the United Nations (UN). With the World Trade Organization (WTO)  abuses against the states include the mandate that force the US government to keep tariffs on imports intentionally low.  The WTO dismantles the states ability to manufacture goods and stay competitive within our own American market, thus reducing the job opportunities that are needed by the American people while increasing the pressure on the states for more welfare funding at the same time.

In other words, the WTO agreement starts an unending downward spiral that slows the economy and makes the American people more dependent on the states welfare program, thus forcing the states to become compliant with the global movement so they can still acquire more welfare funding from Washington.

If the States are divided and begin seceding from the Union, they can lose their vested interest and protection from the other Union States.  If a state secedes what stops UN troops from invading the shores and capturing the state and its resources?  Nothing!

Another reasoning to disband the U.N. is its vision as an one world order - a single ruler of all countries. The overpowering influence the United Nations have over the world is a threat to independent freedoms and must be stopped before they have the ability to completely oppress us.

This isn't limited to only United States. The threat is global and anyone is able to sign.

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