Help us stop the use of herbicides in the Piermont Marsh!

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is planning to eradicate the reeds from portions of the Piermont Marsh on grounds that they are an invasive species. The proposal would use funds intended to compensate for the adverse environmental impact of construction of the new Tappan Zee Bridge.

The DEC's proposal originally called for the eradication of 200 acres of Phragmities - the tall reeds to the south of the pier that do so much to beautify our village and protect against flooding caused by hurricanes and other violent storms. The plan would involve the likely use of herbicides, which have been proven to be toxic to wildlife and humans.

Following an outcry by Village residents and a resolution by the Village Board of Trustees, the DEC said it would scale down the project, although by how much remains a question. However, the agency has still not ruled out the use of herbicides. 

The Piermont Marsh Alliance was formed last year by Piermont residents alarmed by the use of herbicides and the large scale destruction of the Marsh. The use of herbicides would result in the affected areas, now home to countless birds, amphibians, and other wildlife, becoming a virtual mudflat for an indefinite period of time, harming the beauty of our village and dealing a severe blow to our economy.

To stop the use of herbicides, we ask that you sign the following petition:

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